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Course Descriptions



Curriculum: Science

Department Address 
1299 E. 32nd Street
Signal Hill, CA 90755


Department Phone 
(562) 997-8000 x.2963

Elementary School Science – Grade Level Descriptions

加州科学框架每年都将教学分成几个部分,为培养这些技能提供背景.  While adopted instructional materials may divide topics differently, 所涉及的核心思想将与加州科学框架的教学部分相同.  These topics provide context for developing students’ skills:

Our currently adopted instructional materials, Amplify Science, provides the three-dimensional learning of NGSS: Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs). Each unit of Amplify emphasizes one SEP.

  • 调查单位侧重于战略性地开展调查和收集数据以回答问题的过程. 学生们首先被要求思考自然界中发生了什么以及为什么会发生这样的问题, 然后参与设计和实施调查,产生数据来帮助回答这些问题.
  • Modeling units provide extra support to students engaging in the practice of modeling. Students use physical models, investigate with computer models, 并创建他们自己的图表来帮助他们可视化可能发生的不能直接看到的事情.
  • 工程设计通过将科学原理应用于功能解决方案的设计来解决复杂问题, and iteratively testing those solutions to determine how well they meet pre-set criteria. These units make the development of such solutions the central focus.
  • 论证单元(3-5年级)为学生提供额外的支持,帮助他们从证据中论证观点和所收集数据的可能含义. As students move up the K–5 grades, they focus on important aspects of argumentation in an intentional sequence.

Kindergarten and Transition Kindergarten

K和TK中的科学教学将帮助学生发展和完善他们对他们可以直接体验和观察的自然现象提出问题的能力, noticing basic relationships. 

First Grade

一年级的科学教学将帮助学生发展和完善他们对他们可以直接体验和观察的自然现象提出问题的能力, recognize patterns and begin to ask questions about cause/effect relationships.  

Second Grade

Second grade science uses California landscapes as the unifying theme.  在加州科学框架中,有四个教学部分为培养这些技能提供了背景:

Third Grade

Third grade uses more sophisticated science and engineering practices.  学生将使用定量测量和数学思维来探索加州科学框架中的以下四个教学部分:

Fourth Grade

Fourth grade focuses on tangible processes to develop abstract concepts. They also begin to explain some processes that are not directly observable.  在加州科学框架中,有五个教学部分为培养这些技能提供了背景:

Fifth Grade

五年级的科学通过系统内能量和物质交换的中心主题来考虑以前年级的现象.  在加州科学框架中,有四个教学部分为培养这些技能提供了背景:

Middle School Science – Grade Level Descriptions

加州科学框架每年都将教学分成几个部分,为培养这些技能提供背景.  While adopted instructional materials divide topics differently, 所涉及的核心思想将与加州的教学部分相同.  These topics provide context for developing students’ skills.

Science 6 Integrated

Guiding Concept: Systems within organisms and between them are adapted to Earth’s climate systems.

These are the Instructional Segments suggested in the CA Science Framework for Integrated Grade 6:

Science 7 Integrated – One Semester Course


These are the Instructional Segments suggested in the CA Science Framework for Integrated Grade 7:

Science 8 Integrated


These are the Instructional Segments suggested in the CA Science Framework for Integrated Grade 8:

High School Science - Course Descriptions

菠菜网lol正规平台 Core High Science Courses

Biology: The Living Earth

这个以实验室为基础的NGSS课程将从基于现象的方法探索核心生物学概念. 学生将探索各种现实世界的现象,并将其纳入“故事情节”中,以揭示这些现象和许多其他自然现象背后的学科核心思想(DCIs).  Aligned to the CA Science Framework’s 3-Course Model, 地球和空间科学的概念也进行了探讨,以提供更广泛的背景和我们的连接世界的更深层次的理解. Throughout the course, 学生建立对生活的理解,以及生活如何随着时间的推移而变化,以应对不断变化的环境. Students will learn and use the practices (Science and Engineering Practices, SEPs) and thinking skills (Crosscutting Concepts, CCCs)被专业科学家和工程师用来回答他们菠菜网lol正规平台现象的问题,并为他们遇到的问题设计解决方案. 


Chemistry in the Earth System

地球系统中的化学课程以地球上的一系列现象为中心,作为研究化学基本原理的背景. Aligned to the CA Science Framework’s High School 3-Course Model, 本课程整合了物理科学和地球与空间科学的绩效期望. 学生将探索现实世界的现象,以揭示这些现象和许多其他自然现象背后的学科核心思想(DCIs).  Throughout the course, 学生将加深对燃烧与气候变化之间联系的理解. 这将包括检查进出化学系统的物质和能量之间的联系, extending the concept to the movement of energy through Earth’s systems, and ways humans may control these movements. Students will learn and use the practices (Science and Engineering Practices, SEPs) and thinking skills (Crosscutting Concepts, CCCs)被专业科学家和工程师用来回答他们菠菜网lol正规平台现象的问题,并为他们遇到的问题设计潜在的解决方案. 


Physics of the Universe 

宇宙物理学课程以地球和整个宇宙的一系列现象为中心,作为研究物理学基本原理的背景. Aligned to the CA Science Framework’s High School 3-Course Model, 本课程整合了物理科学和地球与空间科学的绩效期望. 学生将探索现实世界的现象,以揭示这些现象和许多其他自然现象背后的学科核心思想(DCIs).  Throughout the course, 学生加深对物理过程支配宇宙万物的理解. 这将包括学习物理学家如何用物理定律解释塑造地球和空间系统的过程, and how they benefit from applying their models in a range of contexts. Students will learn and use the practices (Science and Engineering Practices, SEPs) and thinking skills (Crosscutting Concepts, CCCs)被专业科学家和工程师用来回答他们菠菜网lol正规平台现象的问题,并为他们遇到的问题设计潜在的解决方案.


Other High School Offerings

菠菜网lol正规平台提供各种其他科学课程,旨在满足学生在高中毕业方面的需求, college preparation, and career readiness. 这些课程中的许多都被纳入我们高中提供的独特课程中. 其中一些课程有与之相关的独特主题,如医学生物学或医学化学,与学生选择参加的途径相关. 我们还在许多大型综合和小型主题站点提供各种大学先修科学课程. Site specific courses can be found by visiting their web pages.