


Industry Certifications



What is an Industry Certification?

An industry certification is a credential recognized by business and industry at the local, state or national level. It could be an assessment, 考试, or a license that is administered and recognized by an industry third-party or governing board. Typically, an industry certification is (1) 创建行业, (2) nationally portable, and (3) third-party-validated. Passing an industry-approved examination verifies a student has the knowledge and 技能 to successfully compete in aligned post-secondary higher education and career opportunities where the 技能/knowledge assessed through the certification process have industry-recognized professional value.


Earning an industry certification is a process where individuals are assessed by an independent, third-party certifying entity, using predetermined standards for knowledge, 技能, 和能力.

Some of the key benefits of industry certification include:

  • Validation of Knowledge
  • Increased Marketability
  • 增加了信心
  • 提高声誉
  • Enhanced Professional Credibility
  • Enhanced Academic Performance
  • 来自同伴的尊重

菠菜网lol正规平台 consideration criteria for expenditure of funds for an industry-recognized certification:

  • The results of the examination are part of the student’s course grade.

  • The examination must be 发给所有学生 在课程中.

  • The examination/certification is an end of program assessment and integral to the program.

  • The certification cost/exam is reasonable and necessary (scale, immediacy of application/use).

  • The certification is an essential qualification for a current in-place student internship experience.

  • The individual and collective certification results are 可用 to the teacher/school and used to help evaluate the program for improvement.

  • The earned certification remains current/valid for at least one year after graduation, aiding the student in post-secondary educational and/or professional pursuits.